Download Studies from Viewer


This may be useful for users who do not have access to Study manager, e.g link users or those running Radweb on hand-held devices.


Note that users who open images via QR code or the first (Anonymized) link have no access to the download feature. Use the second link to allow download.


To download DICOM images, proceed as below:



Download dialogue will open as shown below.


Select desired options and click on “Download”



If you select “Anonymize” option, you may enter a desired name for your study that may make it easy to identify.


If "Add viewer" is checked, Radweb viewer will be included in download to enable offline viewing.


If your account has no rights to access private patient data, e.g if opening from the short link or QR code, the Anonymize checkbox will be checked with no option of uncehecking it. Note that some studies may not be fully anonymized by this method e.g., attached documents, some modalities e.g. US which may imprint patient data on the images.


You may choose how the filename should be saved in folder e.g patient name, date etc.


When “Download” button is clicked, the study will be prepared and a link for download will appear. Click on this link to initiate download. If “Download automatically” was checked, file download will initiate automatically once packing is complete with no need to click on the link.