Key Image Feature


A user may create a new series composed of select key images from multiple series in a study.


1. Scroll to the desired image in any available series.


2. Click on the “Key” button to add to Key image series. If this is the first image to be marked as key, a new series will appear at the top of series pane with image count (1). The key button will have a white fill when the active image has been added successfully.



3. Repeat to add more images. The image count will increase as more images are added.


4. A key image may be removed by clicking on the key button again when the images is selected, either from the parent series or from the Key objects series.


5. Key images are visible to all users who have access to the study


6. Key objects can only be created from real files in Radweb storage. Annotations are not saved unless the annotated image is exported and re-imported (see section on image export).


7. “Virtual” images created within Radweb e.g. volume rendered/MPR/MIP cannot currently be saved as key images. Images reconstructed externally and sent to Radweb can be saved as key images.


8. A study on which at least 1 key object was created will have “KO” in its modality column.


Use cases include:

1. Teaching: Teacher/student may pin important images to avoid having to scroll through the entire study during presentation.


2. By radiologists to mark important images: Pin images that are critical to the diagnosis (or exclusion of a diagnosis) to make it easier for referring physician when reviewing the images with or without a report. This is useful in the increasing instances where referring doctors use Radweb either as institutions PACS, as a personal PACS for their referred cases or via links.


3. By referring doctors: Pin an image of interest then contact radiologist to access study for discussion on that particular image or images.


4. Radiologist in day-to-day work: Radiologist, in the course of reporting, especially studies with many images/series, may pin certain images to review later e.g., take measurements, seek second opinion etc.