Sending Images to Radweb Fails


Common reasons for failed sending include:


PACS computer is off. Modality equipment may display an error when trying to send: Check that local PACS computer that hosts the pusher is powered on.


Local physical network issue. Modality equipment may display an error when trying to send: Check network cables and network devices.


Active firewall on local PACS computer. Modality equipment may display an error when trying to send: This could be due to a recently installed third party antivirus/firewall or activation of Operating System firewall: Disable the firewall or contact us to create appropriate firewall rules.


IP address on PACS computer changed. Modality equipment may display an error when trying to send: Modality equipment are usually configured to connect to specific PACS IP address. Changing the IP e.g., due to internet/network changes may cause errors sending images: Restore the IP address for PACS computer. It is recommended that this IP address be reserved on router if possible. Sometimes, it is necessary to set up 2 IP addresses on PACS computer e.g. where PACS and internet subnets are different.


Issue with pusher app. Modality equipment may display an error when trying to send: Please contact us if you think this might be the issue.


Issue with your internet: Usually, modality will report successful sending to PACS (local pusher) but images will not appear on Radweb or may transmit very slowly. May be associated with generally reduced browser responsiveness. Please check your internet. Options may include restarting your computer, resetting your internet router, trying another internet e.g., tethering your phone. Contact us for further test if necessary.


Issue with Radweb server: This is rare, but please let us know if you think there might be an issue with Radweb server.


Issue with Modality Equipment: There might be an error on the Modality equipment e.g storage is full or other issues e.g., failure to print film etc. Please contact us or modality equipment vendor if you think this might be the issue.