Working With Study Manager


Study manager is the initial page loaded when you login to Radweb on PC.


Studies that you have access to will be displayed, sorted by study date with latest on top.


Total number of studies based on current filters is shown at the bottom right. There is a max number, currently 3,000 studies, that can be displayed at a time.


Default page size is 50. You may show more studies by moving through the pages using arrows at the bottom or increasing records per page value.



Auto-refresh is disabled by default, but may be enabled. When enabled, auto-refresh is automatically paused if returned list is more than 500 studies. You may limit list size with filters e.g., last 3 days if you would like to utilize autorefresh function.


You may filter by any column by entering the filter in column header.


Unlike Reports list where filters match if the entered value appears anywhere within the data in database column, filters on Study manager only match the beginning of the value. E.g “JOHN” will return “JOHN DOE” and not “DOE JOHN” or “DOE JOHN PETER”. To make it work like Reports list (if needed) add a “%” sign to your filter e.g. “%JOHN” will return “JOHN DOE”, “DOE JOHN”, “DOE JOHN PETER”


You may sort by any column


You may add/remove columns, reposition the columns and resize them.


When you exit Radweb gracefully by logging out, the layout status will me saved and loaded when you next log in. This will include active columns and their position/width. Pop-up window dimensions (e.g reporting/patient editor windows), records per page, user settings etc.



We suggest you take some time to explore all the buttons and columns including right-click menu on study manager.


Most buttons have captions and/or tooltips.